Interdisciplinary collaboration in the InnovaConcrete project of the CSIC thematic platform “Open Heritage: Research and Society” at IETcc-CSIC case study
12 March 2020 | Madrid (Spain)
Interdisciplinary collaboration, in the framework of InnovaConcrete project, between the groups ARCH&MAT of the Eduardo Torroja Institute, led by Professor Mª Teresa Blanco, and PAP of the Geosciences Institute, both belonging to the CSIC´s interdisciplinary thematic platform “Open Heritage: Research and Society” (PTI-PAIS) for the first stage for the in-situ validation of products at IETcc-CSIC case study; Madrid, Spain.
On March 12th, analysis of the surface roughness of the Pergola “Los Sietes” of the Eduardo Torroja Institute after paint removal began with the help of researches of the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC, Spain).
This study is part of the preliminary works prior to the in-situ application of the innovative products that will be tested in the upcoming 8 months in collaboration with Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy).