The Workshop
WHEN: February 15th, 2020
WHERE: KAM Centre of Mediterranean Architecture (VIEW MAP>>)

The Workshop is addressed to:
- Conservation Professionals
- Professional Councils
- Students of Universities
- Specialty Craftsman and Restorers in Concrete Heritage
- Public Administrations
- Researchers working in Cultural Heritage conservation
- Conservation products manufacturers
- To disseminate the targets, challenges and first results of InnovaConcrete project
- To disseminate the knowledge of concrete heritage conservation of the 20th Century with special emphasis in The Modern Architecture
9:00 – 10:15 | Registrations and Welcome
10:15 – 10:45 | The InnovaConcrete project
María Jesús Mosquera, InnovaConcrete Coordinator (UCA)
10:45 – 11:15 | Historical and Philosophical Intervention
Gunny Harboe, Chair of the InnovaConcrete Awareness Committee (ICOMOS)
11:15 – 11:35 | InnovaConcrete exploitation out of the boundaries of the research project
Antonio Tebar (SIKA)
11:35 – 12:00 | Coffee Break
12:00 – 12:20 | Non-destructive Controls on Reinforced Concrete Structures
Konstantinos Providakis, Dean of the School of Architecture, Technical University of Crete
12:20 – 12:40 | NanoPhos’ Contribution to Building Protection
Giorgos Anyfantis (NanoPhos)
12:40 – 13:10 | Applications and Capabilities in the Protection of Monuments with Nano-Materials
Noni Maravelaki, School of Architecture (Technical University of Crete)
13:10 – 13:30 | Discussion
Ακτή Ενώσεως, Πλατεια Γεωργιου Κατεχακη, Chania 731 32, Greece
Tel. +30 2821 034200