New materials for the conservation of cultural heritage in concrete
    23-24 April 2021

Did you miss the event? Watch it now!

Click on the link below and register: you will receive the links to watch the complete event.

The videos are in Italian while international speakers sessions are in English.


The Workshop

WHEN: April 23-24, 2021

WHERE: online

The Italian/English and English/Italian translation will be available

The Workshop is address to: 

  • Conservation Professionals
  • Professional Councils
  • Students of Universities
  • Specialty Craftsman and Restorers in Concrete Heritage
  • Public Administrations
  • Researchers working in Cultural Heritage conservation
  • Conservation products manufacturers


  • A certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the webinar;
  • Credits for the Order of Engineers will be granted only to members of the Province of Chieti;


FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

10:30/10:45 |  “Welcome and greeting” with Rosaria Mencarelli, the Director of the Archaeological Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency for the provinces of Pescara and Chieti – MiC- Italy

10:45/11:00 | “Presentation of the INNOVACONCRETE project” by Maria Jesus Mosquera from the University of Cadiz (UCA) – Spain

11:00/11:15 | “Cultural Heritage: what we achieved and the funding opportunities in the new framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe (2021-2027)” by Isella Vicini from BeWARRANT Belgium

 11:15/11:30 | “InnovaConcrete exploitation out of the boundaries of the research project” by Antonio Tebar from SIKA – Spain

11:30/12:00 | “Case studies in the InnovaConcrete”

– “Eduardo Torroja Institute” with Juan Queipo de Llano and Elena Frías from Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción (CSIC), Madrid, Spain.

– “Warszawa Srodmiescie WKD Pavilion in situ validation activities. Products application and performance monitoring” by David Lopez from INES Ingenieros Consultores, Spain

“Centennial Hall in Wroclaw: in – situ application and performance evaluation of IC products” by Krzysztof Raszczuk and Mateusz Moczko from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Department of Building Structures, Wroclaw – Poland

Elogio del Horizonte in situ validation activities. Products application and performance monitoring” by Lorenzo Fernández-Ordóñez from Estudio Guadiana Madrid – Spain

– “Kaunas IX Fort Monument in situ validation activities. Products application and performance monitoringby David Lopez from INES Ingenieros Consultores, Spain

12:00/12:15 | “The ‘100 from the 20th’ InnovaConcrete selection” by Susana Landrove from Docomomo Iberico – Spain 

12:15/12:30 | “Modern concrete and its evolution in the 20th century” with Maria Teresa Blanco Valera and Maria Inés García Lodeiro from the Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción (CSIC)- Madrid Spain.

12:30/12:45 | “Conservation of 20th-century architecture. History and memory in 20th-century architecture” by Claudio Varagnoli from University G. D’Annunzio Chieti- Pescara – Department of Architecture – Italy


12:45/14:30 LUNCH


14:30/14:50 | “Condition assessment and investigation of reinforced concrete” by Paul Gaudette, Paul Gaudette from Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, ICOMOS-ISC20C, United States

14:50/15:00 | “Types and causes of deterioration in concrete heritage” by Stefania Landi from University of Pisa, ICOMOS-ISC20C, Italy

 15:00/15:15 – “The use of modelling approaches to optimize innovative solutions for preserving historic concretes” by Janez Perko from SKC CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre – Belgium

 15:15/15:30 | “Advanced methods for the cleaning of concrete surfaces” by Rodorico Giorgi and Michele Baglioni from Consorzio Interuniversitario dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (CSGI)- Florence – Italy

 15:30/15:45 | “Cementitious coatings and micro-mortars containing Halloysite nanotubes.” by Monica Tonelli and Francesca Ridi from Consorzio Interuniversitario dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (CSGI) in Florence – Italy

15:45/16:00 | “Development of micro-mortars to repair concrete” by Maria Teresa Blanco Valera, Maria Inés and García Lodeiro from the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Science (CSIC) Madrid, Spain;

16:00/16:15 | “Multifunctional treatments for concrete combining consolidation by generation of C-S-H gel and superhydrophobic performance” by Rafael Zarzuela Sanchez from University of Cadiz (UCA) – Spain;

16:15/16:30 | “A consolidant hydrophobic product (TUC) with affinity to concrete structure” by Noni Maravelaki from Technical University of Crete

16:30/16:45 | “Bioinspired amorphous nanoparticles of polyphosphate and Ca-carbonate improve the self-healing property of cements” with W.E.G. Müller from UMC Mainz, Germany.

16:45/17:00 | “Smart nanostructured materials for corrosion inhibition” by Gabriella Di Carlo from CNR-ISMN, Rome, Italy;


17:00/17:30 | Final question and answer session


10:00/10:15 | “Memory and restoration: the war memorials in the Abruzzo region” by Aldo Giorgio Pezzi from Archaeological Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency for the provinces of Pescara and Chieti – MiC, Italy

10:15/10:30 | “Torricella Peligna’s war memorials – two examples of concrete monuments from the 20th century: Material characterization methods” by Sabrina Gualtieri from the CNR-ISTEC in Faenza (RA), Italy

 10:30/10:45 | “Crack Monitoring activities”by Paolo Corvaglia from RINA,Italy

 10:45/11:00 | “Instruments and methodology for the on-site monitoring performances of applied products on reinforced concrete monuments” by Piero Tiano and Cristiano Riminesi from CNR-ISPC in Florence, Italy;

 11:00/ | “Case studies in Torricella Peligna and on-site activities in the Tower war Memorial “ by M. Isabella Pierigè from Archaeological Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency for the provinces of Pescara and Chieti; video and live from the site

/12:00 | “The restoration site for the Angel Statue” by M. Isabella Pierigè and Stefano Landi

from Archaeological Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency for the provinces of Pescara and Chieti, Video and live from the site

 12:00/12:30 | “The plasma torch as a hydrophobic treatment for 20th-century, concrete-based monuments, presented” by Aniello Vitulano and Gianfranco Sabbatella from IONVAC, Rome, Italy; live from the site if possible

12:30/12:45 annex Video | “Social aspects and raising awareness” by Stefania Melandri from BeWARRANT – Belgium

 12:45/13:30 | Final question and answer session.

End of webinar

Did you miss the event? Watch it now!

Click on the link below and register: you will receive the links to watch the complete event.

The videos are in Italian while international speakers sessions are in English.


In collaboration with:



Maria Isabella Pierigè | Italian Ministry of Culture – Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency for the Provinces of Chieti and Pescara

E-mail: mariaisabella.pierige@beniculturali.it

Mobile: (+39) 348 606 7918


