Summer School and Abruzzo Workshop: EVENTS POSTPONED
20 March 2020
On March 20th 2020, based on the directives of the Italian government regarding the COVID-19 emergency and the forms of contagion prevention adopted in Italy, the InnovaConcrete Consortium decided to postpone the events that should have been held in Italy at a date to be destined.
The recent succession of worrying news on the COVID-19 epidemic and the ever more persistent news of contagions and deaths in constant increase in Italy have forced the Consortium of InnovaConcrete to make the decision it never wanted to take.
Fully aware of the spread of the epidemic to most European countries, the project partners gather around those who are facing the drama of restrictions and disease, as well as those who have lost a relative. With this in mind, the Workshop organized in Abruzzo (Italy) and the Summer School that should have taken place there are postponed to a date to be defined.
The decision takes into account first of all the respect for the health of all the representatives of the partners who would have arrived in Italy and also of the Italian partners themselves, subjected to strict and fair rules in this difficult moment.
As soon as more comforting news arrives from all the European countries involved in this wonderful project, the InnovaConcrete Consortium will provide new dates promptly.
We will meet again, in the name of the cultural heritage that we defend so strenuously that it binds the partners inextricably. The new Workshop and the new Summer School will also become the perfect opportunity to celebrate the resumption of work under a clearer sky.