Prof. Maria J. Mosquera (female) is the head of Nanomaterials group. She is full Professor at the University of Cádiz. Regarding to her research results related to this topic, Prof. Mosquera has authored more of 50 papers (hindex=20). She has also supervised 5 Doctoral Thesis and several Master and Degree Projects. She has presented over 60 communications to congress and she has been invited as a speaker for numerous conferences. She has also been the senior investigator of 11 funded projects (9 Spanish projects and 2 Andalusian projects) and 10 relevant research contracts with companies. Regarding to the knowledge transfer, Prof. Mosquera is inventor of 8 patents, being 4 of them under exploitation contracts with the companies Tino Stone S.A, Silicalia S.L. and Cosentino S.A. She has also got 4 awards regarding with technology transfer activities. She is a reviewer for FET-Open H2020 program, for the Swiss National Research Agency and for the Spanish National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP). Finally, Prof Mosquera is in the committee scientific of several international conferences. In 2017, she is chair of the international conference Technoheritage 2017. Her main research interests are sol-gel chemistry and nanomaterials for applications on buildings and structures.

Isella Vicini is the CEO and founder of beWarrant, a Belgian consultancy company that provides support on European Funding opportunities and she’s the head of the European Funding Division of Warrant Hub S.p.A. She has a wide experience in the EC Research and Innovation programmes, like Horizon 2020 and LIFE Programme. Since the First Framework Program (1985), she works in the European Project Management field, taking care of the complete cycle of a project: from the analysis of the sectorial policies to the conclusion of the research and innovation project. She currently manage a team of 11 people and her European Funding Division provides 80 consultancy services per year, it is involved in 40 projects and it manages 93 million euros Horizon 2020 grant. Isella is also the Project Coordinator of the EU funded project Repair3D and the founder and Dissemination Manager of ECHOES, the EC Cluster on Cultural Heritage.

Maria Giuseppina Gimma (female) is an Architect, specialized in Restoration of Monuments at ICCROM-UNESCO and at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She’s a freelancer, enrolled in the Register of Architects of Rome, specialized on Safety in Construction Sites and expert in Alternative Energies. ICCROM consultant (UNESCO) for the Cathedral of Venzone. Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Edina-Efim Group Consortium for the realization of 52 interventions in the C. S. of Naples, coordinator of 22 restoration projects and 7 floors recovery (earthquake 1981).
From 1983 to 1995, she was assistant professor of urban planning of prof. A. Gatti – Faculty of Engineering of Cosenza and Faculty of Architecture of Rome. Lecturer of the material in architectural restoration and correlator of degree thesis. Founding member in 1985 and President of the ANASASPER. Director of restoration courses in Italy and abroad.
Member of UCID (Christian Union of Entrepreneurs). Consultant of the Riabithat of Genoa, of the Ferrara Restoration Fair and the Bologna SAIE. Since 1988 editor of Beni Culturali and sole director of BetaGamma s.r.l. – Publishing, restoration, cultural projects, training, planning, consulting for companies. It publishes for various sopr.ze and for the MiBAC volumes and necklaces as “The Historical Centers”, “CMC – Churches, Monuments and Cities”(commissioned by Prof. Federico Zeri),” Testimonies of Restorations “, Italian Archives, MdiR-Monuments of Rome, and others for various directions and above regions.
Delegate of the OAR-Order of Architects of Rome, for Cultural Heritage, Restoration and Conservation. Councilor of the CTF – Technical Training Committee – Coordinator and Director of various conventions, workshops and seminars including the one in the CONI Hall of Honor to which others will follow on the architecture of the Foro Italico.

Serena Borgna (female) has a bachelor in Political Science, a master in Economics for Development and Environment and a post-graduation master in European Community Operator. She has been working in APRE (Agency for the Promotion of the European Reserch) since 2008, in particular in NMP, environment, bioeconomy and frontier research sectors. She is currently H2020 Nation Contact Point for the Societal Challenge 2 “Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research bio-based industries and the Bioeconomy “, LEIT NMPB “Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology” and “ERC- European research Council”. She has been also NMP “Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies” and IDEAS (European Research Council) thematic priority national contact point in FP7.
She has been involved in several European projects, of which five in International cooperation with INDIA (EUINEC, INDIA GATE, INDIA SI HOUSE, INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY). She has been specializing in training for Horizon 2020, Bioeconomy challenge, LEIT pillar and ERC programme.

Prof. Piero Baglioni (male) is full professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence, and MIT affiliate. He has been appointed as Visiting Scientist/Professor by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Houston, the Weizmann Institute, the Collège de France, and the MIT. He is the Director of the National Consortium for Colloid and Nanoscience (CSGI). He is the major Italian contributor to “Soft Matter” with more than 350 publications on books and on largely diffused international journals. He is also the author of 25 patents. He produced several innovations in the field of both inorganic and organic colloids. Within the broad field of modern colloid and surface chemistry, his research is mainly concentrated into the following areas:
- Self-assembly of bio-inspired surfactants
- Nanoparticles and core-shell nanostructures with tunable magnetic properties
- Inorganic and organic nanosystems applied to Cultural Heritage conservation
- Chemistry of cement, and additive effects on cement microstructure and hydration.
- Confined water in inorganic and biological matrices
He was recipient of several international prizes for his contribution to Self-assembly of bio-inspired surfactants
and Conservation of Cultural Heritage and to the synthesis of nucleolipids. The new conservation methodologies mainly based on new nano-materials can be considered as a new (and the most advanced) palette for the most important conservation issues and have been successfully used in different restoration workshops, such as in the treatment of frescoes by Beato Angelico, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Maya wall paints in Calakmul (Mexico), deacidification of paper documents and wood from the VASA warship, and in several others workshops in several countries. For his work in Mexico, he has been awarded “The Caballero Aguila” (2010), the highest award from the Mexican Government INAH agency.

Dr. Gabriella Di Carlo (female), PhD in Chemistry, is Researcher at CNR-ISMN Montelibretti and her main research interests include the development of innovative materials and techniques for the sustainable conservation and fruition of Cultural Heritage, for manufacturing, for the abatement of environmental pollutants and for energy production from renewable sources. She has a consolidated experience in the design, synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials with tailored nano-chemical, structural and morphological features and in surface studies. Her research activities are also devoted to the identification of the degradation processes acting at micro and nanoscale and to the synthesis and validation of innovative conservation materials with stimuli responsive properties to inhibit corrosion processes for a long-lasting and safe conservation of works of art. She has been and is responsible for CNR-ISMN Montelibretti of national and European projects, such as H2020 Nanorestart, and has been involved in international cooperation projects, as with Perù and China. She has co-authored about 60 papers on international ISI journals receiving more than 2000 citations and with an H index of 22 (Google scholar).

Fulvio Irace (male), after being a researcher (since 1982) and associate professor (since 1988), since 2000 he is Professor of History of Architecture at the Milan Polytechnic, currently in service at the School of Design; he has also been a visiting lecturer and professor in some foreign universities (among which that of Princeton and the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio).
Since the seventies he has organized art and architecture exhibitions in Italy and abroad and has been responsible for the Architecture sector of the Milan Triennale between 2005 and 2009.
He is very active in the advertising industry, having been editor of the magazines Domus (1980-86) and Abitare (1987-2007) and having collaborated with A + U, The Architectural Review, Casabella, Lotus, Ottagono and Op.Cit. Since 1986 he has also been a columnist for the architecture of the Sunday supplement of the daily newspaper Il Sole 24 ORE. In 2005 he received the ANCE-IN / ARCH National Award “Bruno Zevi” for a Mass Information Service for his article Behind the media wall published in Il Sole 24Ore of 18 June 2000.
In 1980 Irace – together with Aldo Grasso and the director Giampiero Viola – curated for RAI a series of six documentaries on architecture entitled La tradizione ritrovata. Past and present in the new Italian architecture, then published in videotape in 1983; each episode is dedicated to a designer (respectively Paolo Portoghesi, Carlo Aymonino, Aldo Rossi, Vittorio Gregotti, the pair of designers formed by Roberto Gabetti and Aimaro Isola, Guido Canella) and presents drawings and models together with an original interview ‘architect.
His historical and critical research activity is characterized by numerous studies on the Italian architecture of the years between the two world wars and the post-war period, with numerous monographic works on the architects protagonists of that phase (for example Giovanni Muzio, Gio Ponti, Carlo Mollino, Franco Albini, Luigi Caccia Dominioni and Vico Magistretti) who have tried to deepen the relationship between international culture and local culture in the development of the idea of modernity in Italian architecture; he also touched on the themes of the contemporary project (for example with studies on Renzo Piano, Emilio Ambasz, David Chipperfield and Odile Decq) and architectural historiography.

Susana Landrove (female), coordinator of the research for the Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico in the proposal, is an Architect since 1993. She is the Director of the Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico since 2009 and has been in charge of its programmes and research since 1995. She is also a member of the Registers Committee of DOCOMOMO International since 2000. She has coordinated and participated in numerous research projects related to Modern Heritage: “Spanish Architecture Register, 1920-2000” (Ministry of Public Works, 1997-1999); “Spanish Architecture of the XXth Century” (Expo Hanover 2000); “ARCH XX SUDOE. the architecture of the XXth Century in Spain, Gibraltar and the French regions of Aquitaine, Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Midi-Pyrénées y Poitou-Charentes” (INTERREG III B Sudoe); “Application of the Spanish Código Técnico de la Edificación building regulations to Modern Movement heritage buildings” (Ministry of Public Works, 2011) y “Initial Catalogue of buildings included in the National Plan for Conservation of XXth Century Cultural Heritage” (Ministry of Culture, 2011-2015).

Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros (male), Vice President of ISC20C, is a practising architect in Madrid, Spain has established his own practice since 1984. Currently, his practice includes work on projects all over Spain and UE, for more including high profile projects. This include rehabilitation of heritage projects, residential developments, offices, civic buildings involved both interior design and landscape architecture. Architect Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros has worked on complex interventions involving Spanish heritage. He regularly lectures at universities and has authored numerous articles regarding architectural heritage and housing development in Europe. As an architect, he has also served as finalist in the international competition of the rehabilitation and extension of the “Orto Botanicus Patavinus” in Padua, Italy and has won a special mention in the “Europa Nostra Award 2006” for the rehabilitation of the “Palace of Tabladillo” in Ávila, Spain.

Kyle Normandin (male), Secretary General of ISC20C, Associate Principle at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, in Los Angeles, CA, USA. He serves as an Ex-officio board member of Association for Preservation Technology International and remains the Chair of the DOCOMOMO International ISC Technology committee and serves on the APTi’s Modern committee. He has contributed numerous technical papers on architectural conservation of cultural heritage and continues to serve on the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Architectural Conservation. Kyle holds a B.A. in Architecture from UC Berkeley and an M.S. in Historic Preservation from Columbia University in the City of New York.

Fabio Cerioni (male) is CTO and shareholder of Techedge España & LATAM. He holds a Master’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He began his career in the Aereospacial field, defining Earth communication protocols, collaborating with JPL and ESA. In 1999 he entered Realtech Italia joining the development team. In 2001 he moved to Realtech España as a consultant. In 2004 he was appointed head of the development and integration team. In 2011 he was appointed Chief Technical officer. He is currently responsible for the internal definition of product, innovation and technological coordination in Techedge España & LATAM.

Ramiro García (male) is Sika R&D Manager. He is responsible of definition/development of range of products, quality assurance management (systems, processes, standards), projects Management and technical assistance (cement, mortar and concrete) with experience in jobsite assessment (practical and technical approach).

Gunny Harboe (male), Gunny Harboe, FAIA, Fellow US/ICOMOS, is an internationally recognized architect dedicated to the recognition, preservation, and conservation of the world’s cultural heritage. He has over 30 years of experience and currently runs his own small architecture firm in Chicago, Illinois, USA with a focus on historic preservation and sustainable design. He has worked on many iconic modern masterpieces including numerous works by Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan.
Gunny’s projects have received numerous awards, and he was named a “2001 Young Architect” by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), “Chicagoan of the Year” by Chicago Magazine in 2010 and received the 2015 Award for Excellence in Heritage Conservation from the Society of Architectural Historians. In December 2018 he received “Special Mention” by the World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize.
Gunny was a founding member and is the current President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage and was a founding member of DOCOMOMO_US where he remains on the board. He is also a current board member of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy and a past Regional Director of AIA National, and President of AIA Chicago. Gunny is a General Services Administration (GSA) Peer Professional, and a Fellow of the AIA and US/ICOMOS. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Gunny is NCARB certified and is licensed in five states and the District of Columbia.
Gunny received his Master of Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (including study in Copenhagen, Denmark); a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from Columbia University in New York, NY; and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Brown University in Providence, RI. He also completed the ICCROM Architectural Conservation Course in Rome, Italy.

Cristiana Chiorino, (female), is architect PhD (History of Architecture and Urbanism) Graduated at the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy), she has then obtained a master in Conservation of modern heritage at the Institute of Architecture of Geneva, Switzerland. In 2005 she obtained the Phd in History of architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin. From 2005 to 2014 she has been deputy editor in chief of the monthly magazine Il Giornale dell’Architettura published by Umberto Allemandi & C. Since 2014 she is partner of Comunicarch, office specialized in the communication of architecture. She has worked in the organization of important scientific exhibitions on architecture including Carlo Mollino architetto (2006). She has been part of the organizing and scientific board and editor of the catalogue of the exhibition Pier Luigi Nervi. Architecture as Challenge (Bruxelles, Venice, Rome, Turin, Copenhagen, Mantua, Salerno in 2010-2012, Lausanne, Zurich and Wroclaw in 2013), promoted by the Pier Luigi Nervi Project Association (PLN), and since 2015 she coordinates the itinerant light version of the exhibition on Nervi, Pier Luigi Nervi. Art and Science of Building | The traveling exhibition (St. Gallen 2015, Budapest, Buenos Aires and Philadelphia 2016). Since 2011 she collaborates with PLN as an advisor on conservation and protection of Nervi’s architectural heritage in Italy and worldwide with particular regards to the buildings under threat. In fact, part of this heritage is currently at risk due to the significant number of works either undergoing heavy transformations or progressively facing serviceability declines and, in some cases, neglect or even abandon. She is actively participating in the wide debate at the international level on proper strategies for conservation of this heritage and is strongly committed to be involved with adequate responsibilities in the evaluation processes of transformation and rehabilitation projects, or, where needed, in raising alarm when some works are at risk.
She is member of the Working Group “Historical Spatial Structures” of the IASS International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, and member of Council Board of Docomomo Italy, a non-profit organization devoted to the Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement.

Prof. Francesco Romeo (male), since 2007 he is associate professor of Solid and Structural Mehcnics at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (DISG) of Sapienza University of Rome; since 2015 he is qualified as full professor in the same scientific area. Graduated in Civil Engineering at Sapienza, he received a MS in Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from DISG. His research interests are in the dynamics and morphology of structural systems. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Sage), reviewer of the major international journals in the field of structural dynamics, member of the board of Diamonds srl, Spin-Off of Sapienza for diagnostics and monitoring of structures. Author of more than 70 peer reviewed publications, he gave invited seminars at MIT, Technion IIT, CISM, TU Wien, University of Aberdeen, University of Southern California. Recently funded projects as PI are: “The Flaminio Stadium by Pier Luigi and Antonio Nervi in Rome: an interdisciplinary conservation plan”, 2017-2018; “Innovative integrated approaches for damage identification in buildings”, 2016-2017.