23 July 2018 | Kaunas (Lithuania)

During the week of July 23rd 2018, as part of InnovaConcrete project, INES Ingenieros team conducted the sampling field campaign for the material characterization of the IX Fort Monument. The team was supported by Vaidas Petrulis, Chief of Kaunas Technical University and Marius Peciulis, Director of the IX Fort Museum, who arranged all the required permits for enabling the team work on the monument and obtaining the existing documentation of the same.


The main purpose of the material characterization is understanding the properties that define the concrete with which the monument was built as well as identifying the decay processes that are currently active or that can activate in the near future due to the material composition and environmental conditions to which is exposed to.

Kaunas ninth fort from the top


The first step for achieving this outcome has been to conduct a full 3D model that represents the monument geometry. Knowing the shape is essential to understand its structural behavior, drainage system and the general monument exposition to the climate conditions. This 3D model was developed based in a drone survey that took images and laser scan information in order to build a point cloud file. Such model was checked on site to ensure the geometrical definition was properly built.

Using the geometrical definition, the second step was to develop a damage mapping of the three structures that form the IX Fort Monument (Fallen, Rebellion and Victory). This will be essential for identifying possible spots where to apply the products in a future stage but also to understand which are the problems that the structures are facing and design the sampling campaign not only to define the concrete properties but also to clarify doubts on the active decay processes.

Once the damage mapping was completed, INES team conducted a set of destructive and non-destructive tests to finalize defining the material properties and condition. Regarding destructive samples, two different samples were obtained from each of the three structures. One of the samples was oriented to determine the concrete compressive strength, its density and porosity as well as the size and shape of the arid and the water-cement content; which required a minimum size to fulfill the laboratory tests standards. The other sample taken was much smaller as the purpose is to conduct a thin sheet test to obtain a microscopic view of the concrete composition.

Using the geometrical definition, the second step was to develop a damage mapping of the three structures that form the IX Fort Monument (Fallen, Rebellion and Victory). This will be essential for identifying possible spots where to apply the products in a future stage but also to understand which are the problems that the structures are facing and design the sampling campaign not only to define the concrete properties but also to clarify doubts on the active decay processes.

Once the damage mapping was completed, INES team conducted a set of destructive and non-destructive tests to finalize defining the material properties and condition. Regarding destructive samples, two different samples were obtained from each of the three structures. One of the samples was oriented to determine the concrete compressive strength, its density and porosity as well as the size and shape of the arid and the water-cement content; which required a minimum size to fulfill the laboratory tests standards. The other sample taken was much smaller as the purpose is to conduct a thin sheet test to obtain a microscopic view of the concrete composition.


Big Drill

small drill InnovaConcrete sampling

Small Drill

Both, big and small samples were used to study the depth of carbonation, which indicates the susceptibility of presenting corrosion problems among others. This was done by applying Phenolphthalein directly on the recently cut sample.

Besides this destructive samples obtained by drilling, the team could obtain extra samples of concrete from existing delaminations found in the structures. These will be used to analyze if the concrete contains any sulphates or chlorides by conducting salt extraction tests and using X-Ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope techniques.

Delamination sample

Carbonation sample

Carbonation sample InnovaConcrete sampling in Kaunas

Finally, the monument has some kind of Paint or wax to highlight certain areas, which composition is unknown and that could affect the concrete porosity. Thus, a sample of the same was also obtained to be analyzed in the laboratory.


Paint or wax existing in the monument


To support and extrapolate the results from the destructive tests, the following non-destructive tests were undertaken:

X-Scan and Pachometer measurements. These were oriented to determine the concrete cover (thickness of concrete protecting the reinforcement or structural steel from corrosion) available in the different areas as well as for detecting those locations without reinforcement to enable the drilling to be conducted.

X-Scan and Pachometer measurements

Schmidt hammer measurements. Those locations where the drillings were done were as well tested with the Schmidt hammer to calibrate it and be able to obtain measurements of compression strength and porosity from many other locations within the structures, without the need of damaging it.

Schmidt hammer measurements

Moisture measurements. The humidity differences between the different orientations within the different surfaces was studied to determine if there is any dominant pattern that can help identifying particular susceptible areas.

Moisture measurements

Thermographic measurements. Supporting the previous analysis, the team used a thermographic camera that highlights the temperature difference of the different areas. Images were taken at first time in the morning and after heavy rain to have on one hand those areas that more likely present moisture as well as to detect the water path when it rains.


All this information now needs of clerical work and laboratory testing before reaching the material properties and condition conclusions.