Modern Heritage in Concrete International Conference
3 – 4 June 2018 | Berlin (Germany)
The international conference ‘Modernes Erbe in Beton / Modern Heritage in Concrete’ took place in Berlin on 3-4 June 2018. The aim of the conference, which was organized by Berlin Landesdenkmalamt, was to discuss about main threats and chances for the 20th century concrete buildings. Experts from France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic and Brazil presented analysis and case studies concerning technical and ideological issues of concrete-based heritage preservation.
During the conference, Blazej Ciarkowski, InnovaConcrete partner from the University of Lodz, presented a paper: ‘Post-war concrete-based architectural heritage in Eastern Europe. InnovaConcrete project’. He described the main thesis of the project and focused on the tasks he is involved in. Ciarkowski presented the InnovaConcrete project as a great opportunity to change the reception of 20th century concrete-based architecture in Europe. The main part of his presentation was dedicated to the Warsaw Train Stations, one of the InnovaConcrete case studies, which were one of the first examples of thin-shell structures used in public buildings in post-war Poland. As other similar objects raised in other communist countries, the dynamic geometry of reinforced concrete structure was perceived as sign of technological progress and they undoubtedly represent a vital part of Europe’s concrete heritage.
The InnovaConcrete research will enable not only to hamper the deterioration of the concrete structures, but it will also allow to identify the socio-economic value of the chosen concrete objects and their emotional impact related to the symbolic value and historic legacy. Such studies appear to be crucial, because besides the technical condition, the preservation of post-war modernist structures depends on social awareness.