Innovation becomes Heritage

5 October 2018 | Rome (Italy)

On October 5th, InnovaConcrete project participated to “Innovation becomes Heritage”. The event was organized by Warrant Hub, in collaboration with ABI (Italian Bank Association) with the aim of informing and sensitize people about funds for cultural heritage research projects.

With the Horizon 2020 Programme, Europe is in fact funding the study and experimentation of new technologies for the enhancement of its cultural heritage: new materials for the protection of works of art and monuments, innovative solutions for the preservation of “cultural heritage” “Of the twentieth century, but also the protection of the environment as a driver for sustainable growth or traceability of “traditional food “. These funded projects have also direct repercussions in the “value chain of tourism”, of which Cultural Heritage is a supporting element and where Banks can play a fundamental role.
The seminar was an opportunity to represent this scenario and to tell how the most virtuous subjects, among Universities, Research Centers, Companies, Public Bodies and Credit Institutes, have grasped and will be able to seize the opportunity provided by the current regulatory framework, using the funding available to support this “cultural renaissance” made of innovation.

During “Innovation becomes heritage”, the representatives of 4 Cultural Heritage funded project participated to talk about their experience and the expected or obtained project results’. Gabriella Di Carlo, WP4 leader, talked about InnovaConcrete and the importance of European Funds for the development of the project.

The event took place the day immediately prior to “Invito a Palazzo”, an annual event which open the historical sites of Italian banks, and allow all guests to access a previewed tour of Palazzo Altieri.