Dansk Beton

13 May 2019 | Copenaghen (Denmark)

On the 13th of May, Gunny Harboe and  Grethe Pontoppidan of ICOMOS participated to Danks Beton (Danish Concrete). The event took place at the “Vandflyverhangearen” (Seaplane Hanger) which is part of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation in Copenhagen.

The talk was organized by and given to a group called Dansk Beton, (which means Danish Concrete), which is an association of people involved in the concrete industry in Denmark. https://www.danskbeton.dk/

Gunny Harboe, leader of the 20th century cultural heritage awareness committee of InnovaConcrete, had a lecture about Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple to highlight the importance of heritage concrete.