Chemical of Cement “Tomás Vázquez” Course
25 February – 8 March 2019 | Madrid (Spain)
The “Tomás Vázquez” Cement Chemistry Course has been taught at Eduardo Torroja Construction Science Institute (IETcc), between February 26 and March 8, 2019.
25 students from Spanish and South American companies and universities as well as from the IETcc itself have attended the course. The countries of origin of the students were: Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil, Belgium, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Spain.
As an activity within the course, we visited the factory that CEMEX has in CASTILLEJO. The exploitation manager received us, making an extensive and very interesting presentation of the process they have underway, answering all the questions of the students. Naturally, the security protocol was also applied before conducting an exhaustive visit to the facilities. The technical assessment of the students has been highly positive highlighting also the friendliness with which they were received.
Read the agenda of the course HERE